Read about our Microchipping Days for cats and dogs.
We are pleased to share we had a great turn out of our microchipping days, held on the 2 March and 9 March at our Companion Animal Shelter.
The microchipping days, aimed at promoting responsible pet ownership and ensuring the safety of our beloved pets, our staff had the pleasure of meeting 15 cats and 30 dogs that were microchipped and some had their details updated.
The Microchipping Days provided an opportunity for local pet owners to take a proactive step in safeguarding their pets. Thank you to those residents that came along on those days.
Council's desexing program a huge success
The program offered discounted pet desexing to eligible pensioners and low-income residents of the Hawkesbury. The program achieved a remarkable 100% participation rate, with 50 cats and 50 dogs being desexed, contributing to better pet health and community well-being.
Participants in the program each saved hundreds of dollars in veterinary procedure costs. Eligible residents were able to get their pets desexed for a very low cost of $99 for dogs and $49 for cats. An incredible value for residents in need.
Desexing pets is essential for their overall health, helping to prevent roaming, injuries, and unwanted litters. In addition, desexed pets tend to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
Given the overwhelming success of this initiative, we are excited to announce plans to continue the program in 2025. Stay tuned for further updates!